UX Research Masterclass
Every UX professional needs to know how to conduct research.
Where the rubber meets the road.
Let’s face it: Most UX professionals would love to be more confident when it comes to UX research. And it’s not like UX research is optional — either you’re doing it or you’re not really practicing UX.
Would you believe us if we told you that the key to conducting quality UX research isn’t having a Ph.D. or taking multiple statistics classes, but just spending more time with users? And that spending more time with users will actually improve all of your UX work?
You will after taking this masterclass.
UX Research is designed to give you an overview of all the skills and tools you need to handle user research. It’s really a matter of getting out there, talking with people, and observing them as they complete tasks online. We know because we’ve done it — and we have more than a decade of war stories to prove it.
Beginning Monday, March 5, 2018, you can use this 8-week, hands-on, online masterclass to create your own UX research study. The workflow of the masterclass follows the typical research timeline, so you'll be completing your project at a natural pace.
By the end of this masterclass, you’ll be able to confidently:
Invest in your career today and have more fun at work in 2018.
Pre-register before Feb. 28, 2018 at a discounted rate. (Regular rate $899.)
UX Research Essentials - Overview, Benefits, Process, & Timeline
Storytelling the Purpose of UX Research
Activity: Storytelling with Tinker Hatfield
Measuring UX
Establishing Study Goals & Research Questions
Building a Research Plan
User Research Planning Canvas
Sample Test Plans & Test Plan Template
Activity: Plan Your Research Project
Activity: Choice, Happiness, & Spaghetti Sauce
Selecting a Research Method
Research Methods, Research Questions Grid
In-Person & Remote Interviews
Moderated & Unmoderated Usability Testing
Ethnography & Field Studies
Activity: The Great Invisible
Card Sorting
Focus Groups
Identifying Target Participants
Determining the Number of Participants
Providing Incentives & Honorariums
Preparing Recruiting Deliverables
Sample Screener
Sample Participant Recruiting Grid
Finding Participants
Handling Difficult to Recruit Studies
Informed Consent
Sample Informed Consent Form
Participant Sign In
Avoiding Bias (or the Appearance of Bias)
Qualitative Data Overview
Quantitative Data Overview
Preparing the Moderator's Guide
Sample Moderator's Guides
Moderated & Unmoderated versus In-Person & Remote
Putting Together an In-House Lab
Renting a Lab
Equipment Recommendations
Active Listening
The Role & Responsibilities of the Participant
The Role & Responsibilities of the Facilitator
Facilitating the Research Session
The Role & Responsibilities of the Observer
Activity: Observing Environments
Strategies for Taking Effective Notes
Strategies for Analyzing Qualitative Research Data
Quantitative Data Analysis
Prioritizing Findings
Creating a Topline Report
Sample Topline Report
Creating an Executive Summary
Executive Summary Template
Reporting Qualitative Research Findings & Recommendations
Presenting Quantitative Research Information
Sample Research Report Templates
Storytelling Research Findings
Choosing the Right Deliverables
Communicating Results
Creating a Highlights Video
Handling Common Problems in Presenting Research
Present Your Work
We offer full refunds
up to 30 days after purchase. |
Your class will play
in any modern browser. |
Take the class
at your own pace and in your own time. |
Pre-register through February 28, 2018 at a discounted rate. (Regular rate $899.)