"You can do anything, but not everything."

- Dave Allen

Most organizations have a long list of user experience projects they'd like to implement in 2015. Instead suffocating under the weight of an endless product backlog prioritized only by what's easy to knock out and gut instincts about what's important, those who provide the best experiences to their users need to come equipped with an actual strategy for prioritizing UX enhancements.

Whether you're working top down as a product manager establishing the priorities your product, UX researcher providing actionable data, or UX generalist influencing how work is completed, this webinar will provide you with proven techniques to stop guessing which projects should be tackled next and start making educated decisions.

Listen to this recorded webinar to learn to:
  • Apply quantitative metrics to qualitative data
  • Identify which projects to invest time and resources
  • Target a single priority with maximum ROI
  • Develop a strategy for delivering user experience projects

Course Curriculum

  • 1

    Recorded Webinar

    • Watch the Webinar

    • Presentation Slides

About the instructor

Angela Schmeidel Randall

Angela Schmeidel Randall is the creator of ux.training, a product of Normal Modes. After she started Normal Modes, Angela recalls having a steady stream of people contacting her with the same questions: How do I get started in UX? How do I move from being a web designer/front end developer/researcher to becoming UX designer? How do I move from an entry level UX career to something more senior? As a result she's become passionate about preparing the next generation of UX professionals for their careers. Similarly, she noticed that businesses wanted to transition away from the outsourced UX model they had subscribed to for years out of a well-founded desire to keep institutional knowledge in-house. The challenged these businesses faced was finding qualified talent and equipping teams with the UX tools they needed to be successful. In 2016 the she launched UX.training, whose mission is to help the next generation of user experience professionals accelerate their careers through targeted training, portfolio building projects, and 1-on-1 mentorship. UX.training offers personalized learning plan that gets you the skills you need to achieve your career goals. Angela is also adjunct faculty in the graduate degree program for User Experience Design at Kent State University, the Executive Director of the Houston chapter of the User Experience Professionals' Association (HUXPA), and the managing director of Normal Modes.